Produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Lee Unkrich, the computer-animated 3D film Toy Story 3 is coming to the theaters next year. If you're looking for the teaser trailer of the sequel to the films Toy Story and Toy Story 2, you're on the right place:
Yes kids and kids-at-heart, the old toys are back! Here are some of the characters and the actors playing them: Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz (Tim Allen), Mr. Potato Head (Don Rickles) and Hamm (John Ratzenberger). Newcomers include Ken (Michael Keaton) and Barbie (Jodie Benson).
The 3D release of Toy Story 3 is slated on June 18, 2010. I can't wait to reopen the toy box for new surprises! :)
Stay tuned on this site for more Toy Story 3 videos,movie posters, production notes, etc.
Yes kids and kids-at-heart, the old toys are back! Here are some of the characters and the actors playing them: Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz (Tim Allen), Mr. Potato Head (Don Rickles) and Hamm (John Ratzenberger). Newcomers include Ken (Michael Keaton) and Barbie (Jodie Benson).
The 3D release of Toy Story 3 is slated on June 18, 2010. I can't wait to reopen the toy box for new surprises! :)
Stay tuned on this site for more Toy Story 3 videos,movie posters, production notes, etc.
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